God's People Christian Music Group
Little Athena Rose 10/28/23 - 1/10/24
Pastor Johnson sent me a message that little Athena Rose went to be with the Lord January 10th 2024. She was only 2 1/2 months old, to find out more about what happened in her final days please watch this sermon from Pastor Johnson.
Please join us in prayer that we may praise God and celebrate her life.
Heavenly Father, you are the creator of all things, you knit us together in our mother's womb, we praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. You're works are wonderful and we know that full well.
Although it hurts our hearts to loose little Athena after only 2 1/2 months on this earth we rest in the comfort that she is safely and lovingly in the arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please God lift up her family in this time of grief and loss and we ask that you help them through their sleepless nights and bring them sweet dreams in remembrance of little Athena.
We know that you are God, all things work together for good, for those who love you, for those you have called according to your purpose. Our finite minds do not understand Your purpose but we can trust in Your sovereign grace and authority, we praise Your Name above all Names.
Little Athena Rose was certainly meant to bring glory to You all mighty God. Our arms reach out, with raised palms as we lift up our eyes in worship, we pray these things in Jesus Name, Amen.........
Psalm 139: 13-16
13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Athena Rose was an unexpected pregnancy; her young single mother and young father were not ready to handle the responsibility of having a child. The couple discussed having an abortion and became convinced that was the best way for them to move forward with their lives. Athena’s grandmother on her mother’s side is a devout Christian, she spoke with the couple and suggested they give it a little time to think things through. So, terminating the pregnancy itself was aborted, at least for the time being.
Early on doctors were performing an ultrasound and noticed something wasn’t right. It appeared to them that the baby had not properly developed an esophagus. More tests were done, as more time passed, they concluded the baby would be born unable to breathe on her own. At that point the mother and father decided IT WAS best to abort the baby. Even the doctors and nurses agreed that continuing with the pregnancy would be futile and there was simply no chance of the child’s survival. Athena’s grandmother continued praying to God on behalf of her unborn granddaughter, begging everyone to let the baby have a fighting chance. Athena’s mom and dad are not Christians and had zero confidence in the ability of prayer and they deny the power of God to do anything, let alone save this child.
As anyone can imagine the emotions in the room were raw, the pain grandma felt, the despair the mother and father were going through and the weight of the doctors’ words saying the baby could not possibly survive. Amid all that was going on, our God had a plan, and his plan was soon to be revealed.
The decision was made to let the baby be born and determine fetal viability by not giving any life saving measures. In other words, at the day of her birth, they would place the baby on a table, wrapped in a blanket and allow it die if she could not breath on her own. Just five days before Athena was born a final ultrasound was performed and again according to the technology at hand the doctors confirmed the baby had no esophagus. One of the nurses even told grandma she was sorry her granddaughter would be born and immediately die.
Grandma was in the delivery room; she was determined to fight for Athena. She began to pray aloud for her granddaughter to be born alive. Everyone in the delivery room was annoyed by this and wanted her out but she refused to leave and continued to pray.
But by the grace of God alone, His power is made perfect in weakness. Little Athena Rose was born alive on October 28th 2023. She has an esophagus and is able to breathe on her own. No doubt going forward little Athena Rose will have to overcome challenges and heath complications. But she’s already overcome the most important challenge, something I believe every human being has the God given right to from the moment of conception, which is to simply be allowed to be born.
In this passage the Apostle Paul was speaking of himself that God was pleased to reveal his Son in him so that he might preach the gospel among the Gentiles. It is God who sets all of us apart in our mother’s womb. We are all formed by His Hand. God knew us intimately before He formed us in the womb. He will be with us always to fulfill His purpose through our lives:
I’d say little Athena’s grandmother loves God, she prayed unceasingly for her granddaughter to be born alive. It’s my opinion that the miracle of her birth, defying all odds and doctors’ diagnosis she could not survive that it is proof, God truly does work all things together for good. God shows us His power is made perfect in weakness.
Little Athena Rose has not yet seen her first birthday, has not taken her first step or even uttered her first word, yet her testimony speaks to us, giving witness to everyone who hears her story that the awesome Glory and Power of God who creates all things heaven and earth, He created you and me, He is faithful and true.
Let us pray that He continues to wrap his loving arms around Athena Rose and that one day she will be able to stand and speak to the world telling her story, declaring his Name above all Names.
In Jesus Name, Amen!
Information gathered through hearing sermons and conducting interviews with
Pastor David Johnson from Live Oak Christian Fellowship in Ojai, CA.
Biblical references from NIV and ESV along with a reference from Got Questions Ministries.
UPDATE: 12/6/23
I've heard from Pastor Johnson and I'm happy to let folks know that little Athena Rose is doing better day by day! Still far from being out of the woods and medical staff is dealing with certain complications. Photos show us that her eyes are open, she's alert to her surroundings.
Let us pray for her and the medical team around her and for her family, mom, dad, grandma.
Heavenly Father thank you for your grace and mercy in bringing Athena Rose into the world. Teaching us that you are Lord and Savior and sovereign over all things in our lives. We ask that you bless the medical staff in charge of taking care of Athena. That you would comfort and strengthen her grandmother through the long hours of being by Athena's side in the hospital. May the Holy Spirit indwell in her mom and dad so that they may feel your power and know your hand is upon their child. We ask that you heal little Athena from all her physical afflictions, that you will lovingly hold her in the palm of your hand and that she may know you are with her.
These things we pray in Jesus name, AMEN
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